Whistle Blowing

Whistleblowing at AB Bank

At AB Bank, we are committed to fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct. Our Whistle Blowing initiative is a testament to this commitment, providing a platform for our clients and staff to voice concerns and report any activities that may compromise our values.

What can you whistle blow on?

We encourage our clients to speak up if they come across any of the following issues:

  1. Fraudulent Activities: Bring to our attention any activities suggestive of fraud, whether internal or external, to protect the interests of our clients and stakeholders.
  2. Ethical Concerns: Share concerns related to ethical lapses and misconduct by staff. This ensures that AB Bank maintains the highest standards of integrity in all business dealings.
  3. Customer Privacy: Alert us to any breaches of customer privacy or data security to protect the confidentiality and trust our clients place in us.

Protection for Whistleblowers

We understand that coming forward with information can be a challenging decision. AB Bank is dedicated to ensuring the protection of whistleblowers. We have established confidential channels and safeguards to shield individuals who report in good faith from any form of retaliation.

Reporting Channels

If you have information to share, you can reach out to us through
the following channel: Email: wb@abbank.co.zm Your identity will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and we encourage you to provide as much detail as possible to facilitate a thorough investigation.

At AB Bank, we believe that whistleblowing is a crucial mechanism for maintaining the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct. Your vigilance contributes to the strength and resilience of our organization.

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